Mobility Assistance Shuttle (MAS) Eligibility

About Mobility Assistance Shuttle

The Transportation Services Mobility Assistance Shuttle (MAS) provides transportation to UC Davis students, staff and faculty members with documented disabilities. For academic or work-related purposes only, you can schedule a ride with MAS to specified on-campus location.

For more information or to submit a Ride Request Form, please visit Transportation Services located here:

Sacramento Reginal Transit (SacRT)

Sacramento Regional Transit (RT) runs bus and light rail services throughout the Sacramento Region. The UC Davis Medical Center is conveniently located near two RT buses and the Gold Line Light Rail. Discounted monthly passes for Regional Transit are available for purchase at the Parking and Transportation Services office.

Employees may be issued Commuter Checks to subsidize $65 of their monthly transit costs. Commuter Checks are accepted by all transit agencies including eTrans, Roseville Transit and Amtrak. For more information, please contact the Green Commute Coordinator at 916-734-0600 or visit their website here:

SacRT has three light rail lines that currently operate within 43 miles of track at 53 stations across Sacramento County. Light rail trains begin operation at 4 a.m. with service every 15 minutes during the day and every 30 minutes in the early morning and evening. Blue Line and Gold Line trains operate Monday through Saturday until 12:30 a.m., and 10:30 p.m. on Sunday. Green Line trains operate every 30 minutes, Monday through Friday, from approximately 6 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.

General Information for SacRT Light Rail Riders

  • Purchase a ticket or pass. If you are using a pre-paid paper ticket or pass, you must validate it in the slot on the fare vending machine before boarding. Passengers who fail to show proof of payment may be cited. Kiosks are also located at the station for pass purchasing. 
  • Signage will identify which side of the station platform to stand. For your safety, stand behind the yellow caution strip.
  • As the train arrives, check the head sign to verify you are boarding the correct train. Once the train has come to a complete stop, push the button on the door to enter. 
  • Listen and watch for your stop. Announcements on the train will tell you the next station that the train will stop. These announcements are both audio and on a text display. There are also maps on every train to show you the light rail stations. 

Tips for SacRT Light Rail Accessibility

  • Before the train arrives, please stand behind the visible yellow squares on the platform.
  • If you need accessibility assistance, please allow enough time to reach the waiting area at the top of the ramp or lift before the train arrives. After the train has stopped, the operator will open the door and lower the access platform. 
  • For your safety, SacRT asks riders to quickly find their seat or secure a standing position before the train departs. If riders need additional time to board and get to their seat, they can make the operator aware by using the boarding ramp a the front of the train.
  • While in transit, the train will shift side-to-side and may be unsteady. Handrails are located on the the back of seats and above if you are standing. Hold on to the handrails if you’re standing or walking to your seat while the train is moving.

For more information regarding SacRT Light Rail, please visit: