Remote and Hybrid Work

Remote and Hybrid Work

In the employment setting, a request for a remote or hybrid work accommodation is handled in the same way as any request for a reasonable accommodation. When an employee requests remote or hybrid work due to a disability, they should notify their supervisor/chair about the need for an accommodation.

The employee will need to submit documentation from their healthcare provider to Disability Management Services. This documentation should not include a diagnosis or confidential medical information. It should affirm that the employee has a disability and describe the specific functional limitations impacting their ability to work or engage in other campus activities on-site. For example, “needs to work from home” is not a functional limitation - it is a request for a specific accommodation.

The University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations that enable employees to perform all their essential job functions effectively. The accommodation options are determined through the interactive process, which involves a collaborative and good-faith dialogue between the employee and the University.

Any accommodation recommendations from the healthcare provider will be carefully considered however the determination of which reasonable accommodations to provide will be made by the department after engaging in the interactive process. The department is not required to remove essential job functions on a permanent basis as a reasonable accommodation. Not all remote or hybrid work accommodation requests will be granted, and the department may implement alternative accommodations.

We encourage you to consult with Disability Management Services so that we can provide guidance on this process.

For additional information specifically related to faculty and academic appointees, please refer to

Additional Resources

UC Davis Workplace Flexibility

Remote and Hybrid Work Agreements Policy

Alternate Transportation Resources