Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I view a summary of my current health & welfare benefits enrollments?
  • Employees may obtain a summary of their health and welfare benefit enrollment selections from the UC Path web site.

    This feature not only shows in what plans the employee is enrolled, but reflects UC contributions and employee costs as well. Plans in which the employee is not enrolled will also appear on the summary.

  • How do I add a new family member to my insurance?
  • To enroll a newly-eligible family member, you must submit a Life Event form (see UC Path Forms Library) to the UC Path Center or logon to your UC Path Portal and submit a Life Event change online. All changes must be completed within your period of initial eligibility (PIE). Your PIE is 31 calendar days and begins on the date of the qualifying event. It ends on the last business day of that 31-day period. For additional information, please see the Group Insurance Eligibility Factsheet.

    *If you are adding your new family member to your medical plan and you are enrolled in the UC Blue & Gold HMO plan, you will need to designate a Primary Care Physician for that dependent. You may search for doctors (and their corresponding identification numbers) using the internet; see your medical plan's website.

  • How do I change my primary care physician (PCP)
  • You may call your Medical Plan's toll-free telephone number and request the change. (You can find the number on your plan's ID card.) Most plans will allow you to change your Primary Care Physician (PCP) once per month and change medical groups at least once per year; contact your medical plan for more information and to make the change.

    When requesting a PCP change, be sure to confirm with the carrier when the change will become effective. Most plans will allow the change effective the first of the next month if the request is made by the 15th of the current month.

    If you would like to see a listing of doctors for your plan, you may search for doctors (and their corresponding ID numbers) online; see your medical plan's website.

    Click here for tips on choosing your doctor.

  • How do I enroll in or make changes to disability coverage?
  • To Enroll 

    If you did not enroll in Voluntary Disability when you were first eligible, you may apply to enroll through the Evidence of Insurability (EOI) process (see below). Your application is subject to review by the insurance carrier and may be approved or denied.

    The cost of coverage is based on your age and salary rate. The insurance premium calculator on the UCnet website can help you calculate the monthly cost. Click here for more information.

    To initiate the EOI process you must complete and submit an EOI application directly to Lincoln Financial, the voluntary disability insurance carrier. To begin this process, please click here. If approved by Lincoln, please complete an HSA, Life Insurance, Voluntary Disability, and AD&D Change form as well (see UC Path Forms Library). Once the enrollment form is complete, please pair it with the approval notification from Lincoln and submit both documents to the UC Path Center for processing.  

    To Cancel Disability

    If you wish to cancel your Short or Long-Term Voluntary Disability coverage, you may do so at any time. However, if you wish to cancel and then re-enroll at a later date, you will be required to complete the Evidence of Insurability process (see above). To cancel disability coverage, click on the Life Event/Benefit Changes link.  More details can be found here.

    Please be aware that Supplemental Disability premiums are paid at the end of the month (arrears), so approved changes will generally not appear until the month following the enrollment or change.

    Disability Insurance - more detail on the UCnet website
    Insurance Premium Calculator - calculate the monthly cost Voluntary Disability coverage

  • How do I remove a family member from my insurance?
  • Complete a Life Event form (see UC Path Forms Library), indicating the dependent you wish to remove. Send it to the UC Path Center for processing.

    If your dependent has lost eligibility involuntarily (i.e. due to divorce, marriage or change in tax dependency), you must also complete a Notice to UC of a COBRA qualifying event form (see UC Path Forms Library). The dependent may be eligible to continue coverage under COBRA. The UC Path Center will provide the COBRA packet directly to the dependent.

    See the Group Insurance Eligibility Factsheet for information about dependent eligibility.

  • Will I receive ID cards for my insurance plans: if so, when?
  • ID cards for the medical plans are generated by the insurance plan and are mailed to the employee's permanent address, as reflected on the payroll system. Generally, ID cards should arrive within 4-5 weeks after you enroll.

    ID cards will not be provided for the Delta Dental PPO dental or VSP vision plans. DeltaCare USA does send ID cards. Your dental and vision providers will work directly with the insurance plan to verify eligibility and process claims. Should you need to carry proof of coverage, check the plan's website to determine if a printed id/facsimile is available.

  • How do I estimate my pension?
  • UCRP members can view and run retirement estimates on the UC Retirement At Your Service (UCRAYS) website.

    For assistance and information regarding UCRAYs:
    - How To Guides


  • How do I find out more about my retirement and savings options?
  • The easiest way to learn about the retirement and savings plans is to attend one of our Benefits Presentations. At our Retirement Planning classes, our Analysts walk you through the sometimes complex options you have as an employee in order to help you plan for the future.

    You can also follow these links to helpful information:
    - Fidelity Retirement Services Presentations
    - UCOP HR/Benefits Retirement & Savings Resources

  • I have questions about the DC, 403(b) and 457(b) plans
  • While UC is the administrator of the Retirement Savings Program, Fidelity Retirement Services provides the record keeping and account services.

    To take any of these actions:

    Begin, change or review your contributions.
    See your balances.
    Exchange (transfer) funds.
    View fund performance.
    Designate or change your DCP,
    403(b) or 457(b) beneficiaries.
    Apply for a 403(b) Plan loan.
    View your 403(b) Plan loan balance.
    Elect distributions (certain limitations apply).


    or call Fidelity Retirement Services





    For additional questions and answers for basic information regarding the UC Retirement Savings Programs:
    - Retirement Savings Program
    - Fidelity Retirement Service

  • How do I designate or change beneficiaries?
  • You may designate or change beneficiaries for the following in your UC Retirement At Your Service portal (UC RAYS):

    - Retirement: University of California Retirement Plan (UCRP); Basic Death Benefit; Capital Accumulation Provision (CAP)
    - Insurance: Basic/Core Life; Senior Management Life; Supplemental Life; Accidental Death & Dismemberment; Business Travel  

    If you are unable to use the online application, you may complete the Designation of Beneficiary-Employee - UBEN 116 and submit it to the address listed in the upper right hand corner of the form.

    Once UC HR/Benefits accepts the new designation, all previous designations are invalid. UC HR/Benefits will confirm the changes either by e-mail to your UC work address or by written notice to your home address. 

    You are automatically the beneficiary for family members who are covered under your Expanded Dependent Life and/or AD&D insurance plans. However, you may name someone else to receive benefits if a covered family member dies by completing the Designation of Alternate Beneficiary-Expanded Dependent Life and AD&D Insurance - UBEN 119 and submitting it to the address listed in the upper right hand corner of the form.

    Designating beneficiaries for the following plans may be done directly through Fidelity Retirement Services NetBenefits:
    - Defined Contribution Plan (Pretax and After-Tax)
    - Tax-Deferred 403(b) Plan
    - 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan

    Please Note: Changes in your family situation - for example, marriage or divorce - do not automatically alter or revoke your existing beneficiary designations. 

    A beneficiary designation remains valid until you submit a new one.

    You should review your beneficiary designations for your retirement and insurance plans whenever there is a change in your family situation.
    You should also notify UC HR/Benefits (either online or by submitting a new form) and/or Fidelity Retirement Services if a beneficiary changes his or her address.
  • How do I establish reciprocity with CalPERS?
  • Please review the UCRP/CalPERS Reciprocity Factsheet for information and the UC Form (UBEN 157) to establish reciprocity.