HR Business partners strive to provide timely and consistent answers.

Top HR Inquiries

Get the answers to the top inquiries for Human Resources

  • What is Eco time?
  • Eco-time is our time keeping system for UC Davis Health Ecotime. You may contact Payroll Services via email at
  • How do I submit my timesheet? And where do I submit my timesheet?
  • Ecotime is used by UC Davis Health to record employee time. You can login to Ecotime from The Insider. For more information on submitting the timesheet by employee type, visit the training videos here.
  • How do I code an activity in Ecotime?
  • Check with your supervisor on how to code an activity in Ecotime. For further assistance, please contact Payroll Services at (916)734-9150 or Payroll UC Davis Health.
  • Where can I find more information on Ecotime?
  • You can start with Eco time Training Guide. For further questions please contact your supervisor or contact Payroll Services at (916)734-9150 or Payroll UC Davis Health.
  • What is the contact information for Eco-time?
  • For technical assistance or problems using Eco time, please contact the Technology Department at (916)734-4357 (4-HELP), or send your question to:

    For any other questions related to Payroll and Eco time, please contact Payroll Services at UC Davis Health at (916)734-9150 or send your question to

  • Where can I find more information and guidance related to all leaves of absence (LOA)?
  • LOA Services can help you navigate leave of absence guidelines, medical certification forms, notice of rights and responsibilities related to Family Leave, Medical Leave, and Pregnancy Disability Leave. Contact the LOA Team via

    Phone: 916-734-6682

    Virtual FAX: 916-734-7837



Talent Acquisition (Recruitment)
  • What is the Recruitment Process and how can I find my talent acquisition partner?
  • No matter what your hiring needs are, UC Davis Talent Acquisition team can help you from start to finish. To get more information on creating or canceling a job opening, department responsibilities, work sponsorship, internal recruitment, search partners and other programs, please click on this link.

    You can also connect with your Talent Acquisition Partners for any assistance or call them at (916)734-2742.

  • How to initiate and run a successful candidate search?
  • UC Davis offers the resources for supervisors and managers to assist them to narrow down the candidate pool for an open position. The selection process tools will help you navigate the process from start to finish so that you can hire the best candidate.

    Depending on the type of position, many supervisors and managers start with the interview guidelines and work them around to complete the selection process.

    Find your UC Davis Health Talent Acquisition Partner to ask questions on the Talent Acquisition process, or call them at (916)734-2742.

  • Where can I get more information on the selection process at Health?
  • You can find information on interview guidelines, background check, application screening, recruitment closeout, verification program, work sample and more information on recruitment selection process here.

    Find your UC Davis Health Talent Acquisition Partner to ask questions on Talent Acquisition process or, call them at (916)734-2742.

  • How can I get information about job descriptions, classifications, and compensation to initiate the hiring process?
  • Connect with the Compensation team to get information about job descriptions, classification or compensation for a position. You can reach UC Davis Health Compensation team at (916)734-8720 or find your Compensation Partner by department.
  • What is PeopleAdmin? What is Job Builder?
  • Job Builder Has Replaced PeopleAdmin on Davis Campus and at UC Davis Health
    Read more
  • What is the Executive & Leadership Recruitment Program?
  • Executive Programs and Recruitment offers full-cycle recruitment for Senior Management Group (SMG) and Senior Academic Leadership positions and serves as the primary resource and business partners to SMG members and Senior Academic Leaders.

    Leadership Recruitment and Diversity Services advances the university’s mission of cultivating a diverse, world-class workforce by sourcing and matching talented, diverse candidates with leadership opportunities (Manager 2, 3 and 4 positions) and critical/hard-to-fill positions

  • What is Temporary Employment Services (TES)?
  • Temporary Employment Services (TES) places individuals at the UC Davis campus and UC Davis Health that need temporary staff support. The available assignments can be full-time, part-time and short-term or long-term in duration. You can search at the Careers Search page for opportunities.

    Further question(s) or more information you can reach Temporary Employment Services (TES) team , or call them at (530)754-3000.

  • I’m looking at my staffing needs, can you walk me through my options?
  • Staffing encompasses all the processes involved in building and retaining the workforce of UC Davis Health. We suggest that you initiate the conversation with your supervisor or manager and then connect with your Administrative Officer (AO) on the staffing needs to determine available options.

    If you know your Talent Acquisition Partner , then you can start the conversation with your TCP.

  • How do I get approval to recruit?
  • Contact your supervisor or manager to discuss the recruitment needs and internal approval process. You can start the initiation and approval workflow on PeopleAdmin

    You may also contact your Administrative Officer.

    To know about the process of how People Admin fits in recruitment process, you can contact Compensation team or your Talent Acquisition Partner 


  • Where can I find more information on job requisition and interview process?
  • The UC Davis Health Requisition & Interview Process site will provide information on important tools, policies and best practices designed to help hiring managers in successful recruitment.


Learning and Development
  • How to grow our skills and our impact?
  • Education is at the heart of UC Davis, not only for students, but also for employees. We don’t just want you to work for a higher education and research institution, we want you to experience it too. You can find useful certificate series, tool kits, development programs and various Learning and Development opportunities for yourself. You can contact the Learning and Development department at
  • How can I get help to develop and coach my leaders?
  • Organizational Excellence partners with leaders, teams, and organizations by amplifying Leader’s awareness through coaching and expanding leadership mastery. You can contact the OE team at
  • Is the tuition reimbursement program available for employees?
  • UC Davis Health is proud to be an organization that provides tuition reimbursement to its dedicated employees. You can also find more information about the Staffing Tuition for Education Program (STEP) and eligibility Guidelines by e-mailing
  • Which training is available for me? And how do I participate in training sessions?
  • You can find useful certificate series, tool kits, development programs and various Learning and Development opportunities for yourself on Learning and Development’s webpage. 


New Hire and Onboarding
  • Who can submit the request for a new hire ID Badge?
  • The supervisor or your assigned Administrative Officer (AO) for that department can submit the request or ticket for new hire ID Badge at ServiceNow.
  • Who do I contact for ID Badge/Card Key issues?
  • To request a badge for a new hire or a replacement for ID Badge, submit a ticket at ServiceNow.

    You can submit the request for New/Rehire, Replacement or any Change to existing Badge/Cardkey access for UCDHS/UCD Employees (including TES and VCF). Submit service request for BadgeID and Cardkey here.

  • Where can I find resources and helpful information for new employees?
  • The New Employee Welcome (NEW) is a mandatory training event for all new employees to be taken within 30 days of hire. To gather more information on training, events, and resources please refer to this webpage, or contact  UC Davis Health Learning and Development unit or your HR Recruitment Coordinator.

    You can also refer to the UC Davis Health New Employee Resource Manual to help your team members ease the process of settling into their new position.

  • Is there an Onboarding Toolkit for Managers?
  • As a supervisor, you play an important role in guiding new employees through fulfilling careers at UC Davis. In conjunction with New Employee OrientationOnboarding Toolkit for Managers will be helpful for managers to prepare for welcoming and engaging the new employees through the onboarding process.


Performance Management



Awards and Recognition






Solution Finding and Escalation 


HR Data and Metrics
  • What is HR Metrics?
  • Human Resource Metrics are derived from HR data and help stakeholders in quantitative assessment commonly used for tracking performance, workforce planning and development. Human Resource Metrics helps make better decisions by providing evidence-based insights. Measuring this kind of information-what’s working well, what needs improvement, and what trends to expect in the future-helps the organization figure out their people strategy.  The goal is not only to look at “what” is happening, but “why” it is happening.

    Common HR metrics include but are not limited to:  time-to-hire, employee turnover, absenteeism or absence rate, demographics, diversity, and more.

  • How can I get HR Data?
  • HR data is protected and secure data, and only available on request. Only identified roles are eligible to make this request. So please start with your supervisor or assigned  Administrative Officer (AO) to know if you are eligible for this data. Once you have received data, please ensure data security.
  • Who can help me in analyzing and interpreting the HR data?
  • Once you have received the required permission to access the data, you can contact your Administrative Officer (AO).


Systems and Applications