Taking care of those you love
A family caregiving unit often looks very different for various families. Whatever you family looks like, WorkLife at UC Davis provides resources to help you care for those you love. We encourage faculty, staff, and health professionals to carefully review and evaluate the selection of services that best meet the needs of your family.

Parental Leaves and Pregnancy
Resources to help new parents navigate the many paths and challenges of their journey.

Infants and Children
Pages on new parent resources, the Lactation Support Program, childcare options, and general resources.

School-age and Teens
Whether it's finding the right school or getting information on summer programs or college prep we share a range of options for both Davis and Sacramento resources. Find information on Bright Horizons family support, local support groups and more.

Adults and Elders
Pages on local support groups, general resources and care options.

Pets are family too! Browse local and national resources for healthcare, grooming, daycare and more.

Bright Horizons Additional Family Supports
Providing UC Davis employees access to a free and confidential assistance program offering professional support for employee well-being including accessing childcare, tutoring and test prep, research and referral services, and more.

Finding Child Care (Booklet)
Family caregivers have the best interests of their loved ones at heart, but the task requires a lot of planning. We're here to help.
The university does not investigate or endorse any program/service, the quality of the product, or the listed companies. Users of this service communicate and contract with each other individually and at their own risk. The Regents, officers, agents, and employees of the University of California shall not be liable for any actions occurring as a result of arrangements made between users of this service.
The provision of information about any facility does not constitute an endorsement of that facility, nor should any endorsement be inferred from the fact that any facility is listed here. There are no warranties and no representations, expressed or implied, about the quality of any facility or the suitability of any program.