New Parent Support

Caring for your child is your first priority.  Here at UC Davis and UC Davis Health we understand that fact and provide resources to support you and your growing family so you can bring your best self to work.

Local & Specific Tools

Support Groups:  Campus group/services specifically for Students who are parents.

UC Davis Lactation Support Group:  Groups for each campus location facilitated by IBCLC Certified Lactation Consultants.  Meet other moms, encourage and learn from each other, and get help resolving infant feeding difficulties.  Babies, partners and community members are welcome to attend.  You do not have to be breastfeeding to attend. 

Play School Experience, a playgroup for babies-36 months and their caregivers.  Tuesdays, 9:30-11:00 am at Davis Community Church Children's wing. 412 C St., Davis, (530) 753-2894.  Quality playtime, including circle time, and an aim at developing social skills.  Free childcare for older siblings up to age 10.  Sponsored by Empower Yolo, DCCNS and DCC Kids.

Baby & Me Support Group: Welcomes moms, dads and other primary caregivers of infants from birth to nine months. The goal of the group, led by an expert, is to provide a place where parents can learn from one another while building friendships and creating a support community. Baby & Me meets every Tuesday at 9:00 am at Sweet Potato Pie 528 Main Street, Woodland. No reservation is necessary and parents are encouraged to simply stop by and join in. For more information, contact Janelle at 530-662-8000 or

Woodland New Mothers Support Group: Join Woodland Healthcare lactation consultants and staff, along with other new mothers to answer questions and share the challenges and joys of bringing baby home. You are welcome to bring your baby, significant other and family members to this support group. The support group is bilingual, open to the public and FREE of charge. The support group meets every second Monday of each month (except holidays) from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Woodland Medical Office, Education Classroom, 632 W. Gibson Road. For more information, call 530-669-5420.

Worth the Wait Support Group at Davis/UC Davis Health   A support group for women of Advanced Maternal Age (35 years and older) is taking place once a month each in Davis and UC Davis Health, Sacramento. The purpose of this group is to share the positive and challenging experiences of being a more mature first time or repeat mother. Topics of discussion include fertility, pregnancy, health care, child care, resources, and many more! If you would like to join, please contact Jen Byberg at or Worth the Wait Moms Support Group on facebook

Doing it All When Your Children Are Small: A Support Group for Faculty Parents of Babies, Toddlers and Preschool Age Children  Come meet and connect with others as we share ideas and strategies for engaging in research and writing while parenting a very young child or children. Parents of all genders are welcome, as are their children.