UC Davis Academic Advisor Certificate Series

The UC Davis Academic Advisor Certificate is designed to fit the needs of advisors with varying amounts of experience and knowledge. 

This certificate establishes a baseline of knowledge that includes an introduction to critical campus resources and technology, as well as content that covers fundamental advising concepts. Courses reflect conceptual, informational, and relational student advising competency areas, derived from NACADA’s Advisor Training Competencies.  While Academic Advising Enrichment urges all advisors to complete this foundational coursework, it is particularly important for advisors who are new to the profession or new to UC Davis.  While the certificate is not required, the Developing Deeper Advising Relationships series is a mandatory training workshop for ALL college and departmental undergraduate student advisors. To achieve certification, you must complete four core courses, as well as one elective course within a recommended two-year timeframe.


Certificate Sponsor

Office of Academic Advising, Undergraduate Education

Contact: Nicole Wood, nwood@ucdavis.edu