Survey Details

To better understand staff engagement and continuously improve the staff experience, we conduct the Staff Experience Survey on the Davis Campus.

Engaged staff are enthusiastic about their work and find greater meaning in what they do. They also have higher levels of commitment, contribute more to the campus community and are more likely to stay at UC Davis. 

icon of a checklist Key details about the 2022 survey:

  • Last survey ran from March 28 - April 29, 2022

Full Survey Population


  • Davis campus staff
  • Career staff, limited and partial-year appts., per diem, contract employees
  • Represented and policy-covered (non-represented) staff
  • Probationary staff
  • Temporary staff (TES)
    • NOTE: TES results will be presented separately from home department (i.e., not included in home department results) 

Not Included 

  • Medical Center, School of Medicine and School of Nursing staff
  • Campus staff on payroll after Dec. 30, 2021 will not be invited this year
  • Academic and student employees
  • Staff with home address in UCPath outside of the United States due to international regulations


We need your honest feedback - both negative and positive - so we take steps to protect your confidentiality. 

Survey Questions

We ask 27 total questions, 25 of those are required and ask for sentiment on a 1-5 scale.


Survey Comparison

The Staff Experience Survey is unlike any other on the Davis campus.
  Population Frequency Data
Staff Experience Survey All staff Davis Campus

Every Other Year

  • Even years
  • March kick off
Actionable data provided to managers/supervisors
CUCSA Staff Engagement Survey Sample of policy-covered (non-represented) staff at Davis Campus

Every Other Year

  • Odd years
  • Spring
Data presented in aggregate across all UC Davis
FOA Customer Satisfaction Survey All employees served by FOA and some other administrative/research units.

Every Other Year

  • Odd years
  • February kick off
Actionable data provided 
to departments

icon of a brain People Science Behind the Survey:

  • A Modern Approach to Measuring Engagement (PDF)
    It's a lengthy read, but explains the reasons why this survey is so brief (hint: long surveys don't produce a good user experience) and why this survey produces reliable, actionable data
  • Propelling Action through Conversations (PDF)
    Taking action after the survey is critical and this guide can supervisors address issues and make positive incremental changes.

icon of two people partnership Survey Partner:

glint by linkedin logoWe partnered with Glint to administer the survey and ensure confidentiality.