Survey Questions

Survey Structure and Questions:

  • 27 total questions
  • 25 are required and ask for sentiment on 1-5 scale

Sample question from survey asking, "I would recommend UC Davis as a great place to work."
A screengrab showing the format for a typical survey question requiring a response on a 1-5 scale. 

icon of a question mark Full List of Questions:

Required Questions (on 1-5 scale, with opportunity for open-ended comments):

  1. How happy are you working at UC Davis?
  2. I would recommend UC Davis as a great place to work.
  3. I feel a sense of belonging at UC Davis.
  4. Regardless of background, everyone at UC Davis has an equal opportunity to succeed.
  5. UC Davis has a great culture.
  6. Overall, I am satisfied with how decisions are made in my department/work unit.
  7. I have confidence in the campus leadership team (e.g., Chancellor, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, Vice Provosts and Deans).
  8. There is a good flow of communication between leadership, departments, and teams.
  9. Departments/work units at UC Davis collaborate effectively to get things done.
  10. I would recommend my direct supervisor/manager to others.
  11. My direct supervisor/manager provides me with feedback that helps me improve my performance.
  12. I feel satisfied with the recognition or praise I receive for my work.
  13. My ideas are considered when decisions are made in my department/work unit.
  14. I feel free to speak my mind without fear of negative consequences.

15. I have good career opportunities at UC Davis.
16. I have good opportunities to learn and grow at UC Davis.
17. The work that I do at UC Davis is meaningful to me.
18. My role is an excellent fit with my strengths.
19. I have the resources I need to do my job well (e.g., tools, technology, support).
20. I am able to successfully balance my work and personal life.
21. I believe meaningful action will be taken as a result of this survey.​​​​​​
22. I am satisfied with the flexibility (e.g., flexible schedule, hybrid/remote work) provided by my department/work unit.
23. I rarely think about looking for a job outside of UC Davis.
24. Top Needs:  What is most critical as you consider your top needs right now? (Select up to two):

  • Healthcare and health-related information
  • Child or family care
  • Sense of belonging and connection
  • Remote work resources
  • Safety and cleanliness at work
  • Up-to-date information
  • Job security
  • Managing workload
  • Being treated with respect
  • Other (please specify in comments)
  1. At work, I feel cared about as a person.

Open-ended Questions:

  • What should we start or stop doing to improve the staff experience?
  • What should we start or stop doing to support diversity and inclusion?

icon of a brain People Science Behind the Survey:

  • A Modern Approach to Measuring Engagement (PDF)
    It's a lengthy read, but explains the reasons why this survey is so brief (hint: long surveys don't produce a good user experience) and why this survey produces reliable, actionable data
  • Propelling Action through Conversations (PDF)
    Taking action after the survey is critical and this guide can supervisors address issues and make positive incremental changes.