Leadership Message: August is Family Fun Month
Dear Colleagues,

August is Family Fun Month, and each year, I look forward to visiting my young adult kids. They are both in that stage of “extended launching” and tend to move around a lot, allowing my spouse and me to explore a new place and do some actual living (that other half of the work-life) with the people I care about most.
One of my favorite trips was last year when we rented a van and camped up the California and Oregon Coast (with three furry co-explorers). We went through the Columbia Gorge, down to Bend, to catch an outdoor Counting Crows concert with the kids, past Crater Lake, Shasta and home.
Road trips are an unhurried, simple pleasure that allows me to engage with people who live a bit differently from me and reminds me of the diversity and beauty each place contributes to our vast country. They remind me why we all work so hard for the health of our unique community and allow for a little “breathing room” from the rigors and responsibilities of work.

So, as we welcome the golden hour of summer this August, I want to remind you to take advantage of this special time by resting and surrounding yourself with loved ones.
You are the heart of UC Davis Health and work tirelessly for our patients. I am proud that we are part of an institution that recognizes the importance of balancing work and personal life. Every day, teams across Human Resources navigate paid time off processes and offer a variety of discounts to help you make the most of your time outside of work.
Remember to take your vacations
Leading the nation in outstanding patient care is no easy task and can only be accomplished by taking well-deserved rest. Research shows that taking time off helps employees to rest, recharge, and reduce stress. This is essential for maintaining good mental and physical health, preventing burnout, and promoting overall well-being.

Visit the Leave and Time Off webpage for more information about paid holidays, vacation leave and how to check your accrual balances. Also, check out our Plan for Vacation Month webpage to learn more about the benefits of taking time off, strategies for success and links to helpful resources. And yes, even though January is a ways off, planning early with your team and family increases the chances of actually taking time off!
Employee discounts
Among the many things I love about Sacramento and California in general is that my bucket list never seems to stop growing. As a UC Davis Health employee, the hundreds of discounts I have at my disposal make those things even more accessible.

The Employee Travel Discount Program allows us to type in keywords like ‘waterpark,’ ‘movie theater,’ or ‘concert’ and browse a long list of discounted options both near and far.
If you prefer to stay local, consider visiting UC Davis Health’s exhibit, Health Connections, at the Museum of Science and Curiosity. It’s a wonderful way to learn about what it means to be healthy and feel well right here in our community.
I encourage you to turn your own bucket list into a collection of cherished memories. You can start by browsing the various categories on the Employee Discounts page, such as dining, health and fitness, family care, transportation, vacation, sports, and entertainment.
In closing
Before you go off planning your very own summer of family fun, I’d like to leave you with some words from Dr. Phillip L. Pointer:
“Rest is not an occasional reward for good work. Rest is a prerequisite for good work. Tired people aren't efficient workers.”—Dr. Phillip L. Pointer
Our patients and community deserve the very best from us, and you deserve a whole and balanced life where you can enjoy the company of those who matter most. Whether you take a grand vacation to a tropical destination or enjoy a quiet summer morning making breakfast for your kids, I urge you to savor every moment and sit with your joy and gratitude.
It’s these small pleasures that rejuvenate us, help us connect with those in our care, and inspire us to Believe in Better.

Sandy Batchelor
WorkLife Manager