W9 and Insurance Requirement
SSO Initiated Agreements
- Blanket Agreement - Blanket Agreement is a purchase request of items and/or services on an as required and ongoing basis. These agreements have an estimated dollar amount and typically last a year or more. Automatic Purchase Orders (APOs) are created from these agreement types when payment of an invoice is required.
- No Cost Agreement - an agreement for which there is no cost to the University, but still requires review and an authorized signature from Supply Chain Management. Example: Credit Applications
- Facility Use Agreement - for use of a facility NOT related to Travel and Entertainment.
- Online Subscription Agreement - An Online Subscription Agreement is to request that Supply Chain Management review the terms and conditions of an online service prior to use. Example: Signing up for no-cost pricing for an online email marketing service.
- Catering, Lodging, Event Agreement - Used prior to securing catering, lodging, or other Travel and Entertainment related needs that require an agreement or a signature. Vendor payment will be processed through Travel and Entertainment methods at a later time.
- Revenue Agreement - will generate revenue for the department/university. Example: Agreements for services provided to outside entities by university departments that have an approved rate.
More information on the above agreements and how to search for Campus and UC Agreements can be found at the Supply Chain Management website.
Scope of Work (PDF) clearly defines performance or project goals and aids SSO Purchasing and UC Davis Supply Chain Management in completing service orders and agreements. The guidelines provided by Supply Chain Management can be used by the department to develop supporting documentation if the vendor has not provided an SOW.