Applications received from layoff applicants (PSS Only) are reviewed by Employment Consultant/Recruiter to determine preference consideration.

Employment Consultant/Recruiter Responsibilities:

  • Checks requisition to ascertain if position is Career or Limited Appointment. If Limited Appointment or Contract, no preference.
  • If Career, checks eligibility for preference against layoff database following PSS or collective bargaining agreement as appropriate, i.e. title and title code, salary maximum, collective bargaining contract, etc.
  • If preference, reviews qualifications (skills, knowledge, abilities) and employment experiences noted on the employment application to determine if candidate meets minimum qualifications of the position.
  • If no preference, applicant will be screened with the rest of applicant pool.
  • If preference, contacts the department to advise the department has a layoff with preference for their position that requires early consideration by interview prior to consideration of any other applications.

Department Responsibilities:

  • Interviews applicant.
  • Contacts Employment Consultant/Recruiter in HR to advise of hiring or disqualification of applicant.
  • Provides Employment Consultant/Recruiter in HR with hiring information or written justification for disqualification if the department has determined the individual does not possess the minimum qualifications and cannot be trained within a reasonable period of time.
    Note: if layoff applicant notifies department of withdrawal at any time, department should notify Employment Consultant/Recruiter.

Employment Consultant/Recruiter Responsibilities:

  • Reviews disqualification statement and contacts department if more information is needed.
  • If Employment Consultant/Recruiter supports disqualification, notifies layoff applicant to advise of the department’s decision and to provide specific reasons for the disqualification. A copy of the disqualification statement will be provided to the layoff upon request. If layoff applicant disagrees with the disqualification, Employment Consultant/Recruiter must receive a written rebuttal within two business days after initially informing the layoff applicant of the department's decision to disqualify. 
  • Employment Consultant/Recruiter reviews the rebuttal and determines if department should reconsider to grant a second interview. If additional information is not sufficient, layoff applicant will be disqualified from the position and Employment Consultant/Recruiter will notify applicant.
  • Advises the department the remainder of the applicant pool can be screened.  
    Note: department may not consider other applicants until layoff has cleared. If layoff is disqualified, the specific qualifications (used for layoff disqualification) must be used to screen the remainder of the applicant pool.
