Learn how to take your career further through our Development Programs
Are you interested in honing your leadership or management skills? Learning and Organizational Development offers a number of programs to help you take the next step in your career.

UC Davis Group Mentoring Program
This 3-month, professional development experience pairs mentors with small groups of mentees made up of staff from across UC Davis and UC Davis Health. Participants are able to expand and strengthen their networks, their knowledge of the organization, and work on professional development topics to further their career and fulfillment at work.

UC Davis People Management Essentials
People Management Essentials is a 12-month training program for new-to-role supervisors and managers at UC Davis and UC Davis Health addressing day-to-day essentials to manage more engaged and productive teams.

UC Women's Initiative for Professional Development
UCWI is an experiential professional development program designed to elevate women in leadership at the university. The program is for mid-career employees, both staff and faculty, who are women-identified professionals or support women-identified professionals, and demonstrate the potential to advance their careers at UC.

UC-Coro Systemwide Leadership Collaborative
The UC-Coro Systemwide Leadership Collaborative program focuses on enhancing leadership skills and developing intercampus and cross-functional collaboration. To do so, the University of California partners with Coro Northern California and other facilitative partners to develop current and future administrative and faculty leaders.

UC Davis Research Administrators for the Future
The Research Administrators of the Future (RAOTF) program is intended to cultivate a diverse pool of highly talented and motivated staff interested in pursuing Research Admin positions on campus. The program supports the campus commitment to develop and retain a distinguished and diverse staff and is intended to increase participants’ sense of community and commitment to UC Davis.