People Management Essentials equips supervisors with day-to-day essentials to manage more engaged and productive teams
People Management Essentials (PME) is a 12-month training program for new-to-role supervisors and managers at UC Davis and UC Davis Health that includes a mixture of onsite training, eLearning, and virtual instruction.
Designed with feedback from the 2022 Staff Experience Survey and the 2023 CommUNITY Feedback Survey, PME equips supervisors with the essentials to lead more engaged and productive teams.
Empowering New Leaders
Everyone in a leadership role has significant influence, responsibility and sets the tone for their team. Whether you are an experienced manager new to UC Davis/UC Davis Health or a newly promoted supervisor, the PME program’s goal is to support your development in your role to successfully lead your team in alignment with the organization.
People Management Essentials aims to:
- Equip new people managers with the knowledge, skills, and resources to supervise and manage their teams effectively.
- Situate people management concepts and best practices in the context of UC Davis culture, values, and practices.
- Foster community building to help supervisors and managers build a peer network across UC Davis and UC Davis Health.
- Support the engagement and development of our workforce through effective people management practices.
Training Assignments
New-to-role supervisors and managers will receive assignments to the People Management Cohort in the UC Learning Center (UCLC). This three-day, in-person required training must be completed within the first 60 days in role.
After completing the cohort, supervisors and mangers will take additional courses through the UCLC to further develop their expertise. These courses must be completed within the first 12 months in role.
Learning Journey Timeline

First 60 Days: People Management Cohort
The People Management Cohort is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the program's objectives, clearly delineating what participants will learn, achieve, and contribute throughout their journey. By emphasizing the importance of community, the course encourages participants to network, share insights, and collaborate, thereby enriching the learning experience for all. Additionally, it introduces the key tools and resources that will be available, ensuring that participants are well-equipped to apply new management skills effectively in practical settings.
PME Catch-up and Continuing Education
With the exception of the People Management Cohort, all PME courses are available to current supervisors and managers. Click below to learn more and register in the UC Learning Center. The Managing People and Performance course will eventually be assigned to all supervisors and managers as a required "catch-up" course.
- Employment Law and University Policy
- This course, designed for UC Davis and UC Davis Health supervisors and managers, provides a comprehensive overview of the legal and policy landscape governing employment within the University of California system. Participants will learn to proactively identify and address potential liabilities through effective issue spotting, understanding the critical role they play in preventing legal complications. The program covers key topics including disability accommodations, discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and leaves of absence, equipping participants with the knowledge and resources needed to confidently navigate complex employment situations within the UC system.
Register - Managing People and Performance
- This interactive and engaging course focuses on key UC Davis and UC Davis Health “people management” practices, the role of managers/supervisors in driving UC Davis values and establishing a culture where employees are engaged and enthusiastic and are committed to UC Davis as a great place to work. It provides a model and “best practices” for managers to follow as well as tools and processes for managing the “UC Davis way." Participants develop plans for strengthening these best practices in their areas of responsibility.
Register - Corrective Actions
- This course is a supplement to the Managing People and Performance course and covers corrective action as one tool for performance management. Managing People and Performance is part of the People Management Essentials.
Launch eCourse - Developing and Retaining Talent
- At UC Davis and UC Davis Health, we place a high value on developing our employees and growing our teams to retain talent within our organization. This course focuses on growth and development as a means to promote engagement and retention. UC Davis and UC Davis Health resources for recognition and Work-Life programs are covered, as well as holding individualized conversations around professional and career goals with your employees.
Register - UC Hiring for Success
- The Hiring for Success training is part of the UC Systemwide People Management Series and is geared for hiring managers and supervisors that recruit for staff openings. Key outcomes from this training include: Learning how to begin the talent acquisition process and ensuring an effective interview strategy; Understanding the importance of diversity in the talent acquisition process; Ensuring a positive candidate interview experience; and Effectively completing the process.
Launch eCourse

- Why did I get this training assigned?
- A. Effective March 4, 2024, all newly hired and promoted supervisors and managers (S1-M2) are assigned the full People Management Essentials (PME) program, starting with the 3-day People Management Cohort.
B. Effective June 1, 2024, supervisors and managers hired or promoted since January 1, 2023, who did not complete the legacy Developing as a Supervisor series, are assigned the following courses from the new People Management Essentials Program: Managing People and Performance (MPP), Supervising in a Union Environment, and Employment Law and University Policy. - I received a notification that my employee was assigned this training, but they cannot attend because they do not have time along with their other work responsibilities.
If your employee is a newly hired or promoted supervisor/manager since March 4, 2024, or an existing supervisor/manager, they are expected to complete the assigned People Management Training. The People Management Essentials courses are designed to equip UC Davis and UC Davis Health supervisors/managers with the essentials to manage more engaged and productive teams.
Training is a time investment with many benefits across organizational effectiveness and staff experience. It requires release time and prioritization. Support is needed for leaders to ensure their reports can attend training.I already took manager training (e.g., DaaS). Why am I being assigned this training?
All supervisors and managers will be assigned the two-day Managing People and Performance course over time. However, if you completed the previous Developing as a Supervisor DaaS) series you should not be assigned additional PME courses.
Effective June 1, 2024, supervisors and managers hired or promoted since January 1, 2023, who did not fully complete the legacy Developing as a Supervisor series, are assigned the following courses from the new People Management Essentials Program: Managing People and Performance (MPP), Supervising in a Union Environment, and Employment Law and University Policy.I was just promoted to a manager and took manager training when I was a supervisor. Do I need to take this?
People Management Essentials is a newly developed program created in-house by Learning and Organizational Development for all new-to-role supervisors and managers. If you believe you have been assigned People Management Essentials training in error, email hr-learning@ucdavis.edu with "People Management Essentials" in the subject line.
Can I miss a day of the People Management Cohort or Managing People and Performance (MPP) and reschedule to another time?
If you cannot attend the first day of the cohort or MPP after registration, cancel your registration in the UC Learning System (UCLC) and register for a different session.
If you cannot attend day two of MPP or day two or three of the cohort, notify your instructor, who will assist with coordinating a make-up day. If you cannot notify your instructor, email hr-learning@ucdavis.edu with "People Management Essentials" in the subject line.My direct report was only assigned Managing People and Performance (MPP). Can they take the full People Management Essentials (PME) training program (e.g., cohort + full PME)?
Newly hired supervisors and managers have priority. However, pending availability, Learning and Organizational Development can add the full PME assignment for existing supervisors/managers when both the supervisor/manager and their manager agree on the benefits of additional training.
The full PME Program or a smaller assignment including MPP, Supervising in a Union Environment, and Employment Law and University Policy can be assigned.I finished the People Management Cohort. Why am I getting more training?
People Management Essentials (PME) is a 12-month training program for new-to-role supervisors and managers at UC Davis and UC Davis Health. It includes a mixture of onsite training, eLearning, and virtual instruction. The People Management Cohort is one component of this training program.
I’m not a supervisor. Why am I getting this assignment?
If you believe you were assigned People Management Essentials training in error, email hr-learning@ucdavis.edu with "People Management Essentials" in the subject line.
Why am I getting people management training now? I have been a manager for 20 years.
People Management Essentials (PME) is a new program developed in-house by Learning and Organizational Development. The PME foundational course, Managing People and Performance (MPP), will be assigned over time to all current supervisors and managers to align them with common management approaches, culture, and terminology across the organization.
An MPP “senior” version will be developed for M2-M4 with different scenarios and activities.
In 2025, a mid-level manager series and continuous learning courses for all supervisors and managers will be rolled out.Will any of these classes be held virtually?
Yes, the following classes are virtual instructor-led training: Employment Law and University Policy, and Developing and Retaining Talent.
I'm a fully remote manager. Do I have to attend the in-person People Management Essentials classes?
PME includes a mix of onsite training, eLearning, and virtual instruction. Supervisors and managers are expected to travel and attend the onsite components, whether they are onsite, hybrid, or remote employees. The onsite People Management Cohort and Managing People and Performance courses are designed for social learning and interaction, providing opportunities to connect with and network with peers. Courses are taught in Davis, Sacramento, and Rancho Cordova.
Employees working from their alternate work location, per a Remote Work Agreement, are NOT considered to be on travel status and thus not permitted reimbursement of travel or meal-related expenses covered under UCOP policy G-28. More information provided on UC Davis Supply Chain's Remote Work Guidelines website.I'm on a hybrid work arrangement. Do I have to attend onsite People Management Essentials (PME) classes on my scheduled remote days?
Yes. PME includes a mix of onsite training, eLearning, and virtual instruction. Supervisors and managers are expected to travel and attend the onsite components, whether they are onsite, hybrid, or remote employees. The onsite People Management Cohort and Managing People and Performance courses are designed for social learning and interaction, providing opportunities to connect with and network with peers. Courses are taught in Davis, Sacramento, and Rancho Cordova.
I have one direct report. Why didn't I receive the supervisor/manager training assignment?
People Management Essentials (PME) courses are automatically assigned by the UC Learning System (UCLC) to managers/supervisors with two or more direct reports. Pending availability, Learning and Organizational Development can assign either the full PME program or a smaller assignment including MPP, Supervising in a Union Environment, and Employment Law and University Policy if it is discussed with their manager and deemed beneficial for their current role.
Why was I assigned the Corrective Actions eCourse?
The Corrective Actions eCourse is a companion course to the 2-day Managing People and Performance (MPP) course. The two courses are assigned together in the UC Learning Center (UCLC). You may complete Corrective Actions before or after attending MPP.
I'm a mid-level manager/director. Is there People Management Essentials training for me?
In 2025, a mid-level series will be rolled out, including the following classes: Managing People and Performance, Mission Vision and Strategic Planning, Developing High Performing Teams, and Driving Change and Innovation.
I'm a Manager 2. Why am I being assigned the entire PME Program?
New hires to UC Davis and UC Davis Health and new Manager 2 positions will be assigned the full PME Program. The curriculum is developed and delivered by UC Davis and UC Davis Health, addressing our people, policies, and processes. Additionally, the UC Core Competencies and DEI learning objectives are embedded in every course. This foundation in the "UC Davis Way" will benefit new mid-level managers as well as front-line managers.
I have questions. Who do I contact?
If you have any questions, please email hr-learning@ucdavis.edu with "People Management Essentials" in the subject line and include your question in the body of the email.
Coming in 2025
Mid-level Training
Additional training will be implemented for supervisors and managers at the M2 and M3 level.