Campus Recreation
Campus Recreation
Timely news, events updates and information. Includes: The ARC, Aquatics, Craft Center, Equestrian Center, Living Well, Outdoor Adventures, Rec Sports, Sport Clubs and the UC Davis Marching Band.
Frequency: Monthly
Audience: Staff, Academic Employees, Students, Community
Campus: Davis Campus and UC Davis Health

Checking In With Chancellor May
UC Davis Leadership
Monthly updates from Chancellor May that cover thought leadership from the chancellor’s desk, leadership announcements, and initiatives, insights, and resources from the university.
Frequency: Monthly
Audience: Staff, Academic Employees, Students, General Public
Campus: Davis Campus and UC Davis Health

DEI and DEI This Week
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Highlights news and stories from around campus and the monthly letter from Vice Chancellor Renetta Tull. DEI This Week is a weekly listing of events, courses and opportunities related to diversity, equity and inclusion at UC Davis.
Frequency: Weekly and Monthly
Audience: Staff, Academic Employees, Students, General Public
Campus: Davis Campus and UC Davis Health
Newsletter Archive

SA Connect
Student Affairs
Your source for what's happening in Student Affairs! Updates and information relevant to Division of Student Affairs staff and interested members of the UC Davis community.
Frequency: Bimonthly
Audience: Staff
Campus: Davis Campus

Staff Voice
Staff Assembly
Keeps staff informed of staff-related initiatives, news, and events. It is published biweekly during the academic year, and monthly in December and during summer.
Frequency: Biweekly
Audience: Staff
Campus: Davis Campus
Newsletter Archive

UC Davis Magazine
Alumni, Research and Campus News
Presents news and feature articles about UC Davis designed to create an understanding of the diverse nature of the institution, its singular personality, varied expertise and role in helping to solve the world’s greatest challenges.
Frequency: Monthly
Audience: Staff, Academic Employees, Students, Community, General Public
Campus: Davis Campus and UC Davis Health

UC Davis Stores
UC Davis Stores
Receive timely news, information and updates on sales, new product introductions and events happening at UC Davis Stores online store as well as our retail locations.
Frequency: Monthly
Audience: Staff, Academic Employees, Students, Community, General Public
Campus: Davis Campus and UC Davis Health

Worklife Happenings
Human Resources
Upcoming campus and local events of interest to support work-life fit, including events and webinars to enhance social, financial, mental, physical, environmental, career, and family well-being. Subscribers receive both the Monthly Happenings and Quarterly newsletters.
Frequency: Monthly
Audience: Staff, Academic Employees, Students, Community, General Public
Campus: Davis Campus and UC Davis Health
Newsletter Archive

Worklife Quarterly Newsletter
Human Resources
Information, referral, resources, education, timely articles for campus support of dependent care, lactation support, flexible work, family and social events, as well as employee services, tools and methods to support their productivity, creativity, engagement and satisfaction. Subscribers receive both the Monthly Happenings and Quarterly newsletters.
Frequency: Quarterly
Audience: Staff, Academic Employees, Students, Community, General Public
Campus: Davis Campus and UC Davis Health
Newsletter Archive