Employee ID - The AggieCard

The AggieCard is now Aggie Access

The Shared Services Organization is now managing all employee and temporary affiliate credentials. Requests for these credentials are still being collected on the AggieAccess Webform

The Office of the University Registrar is managing student cards, including for student employees, while the Police Department is managing mobile credentials for students and student employees. 

Find out more on the FAQ & Glossary and the How-To: Mobile Credentials page to choose what credentials are right for you.

If you submitted a case through Aggie Service and need to follow up, the Employee ID Team can be reached at employeeid@ucdavis.edu  questions.

Please note - this process applies to campus only.  

ID badges for UC Davis Health Employees: Please follow standard process to submit an ID Badge request at https://ucdh.service-now.com/itss. For Health ID Badge related questions or assistance email HS-IS Access Request hs-access.request@ucdavis.edu

Current Card Privileges

The existing UC Davis AggieCard may be used at the following campus locations:


Email Request for an AggieCard

To request an ID please send an email to employeeid@ucdavis.eduPlease include ALL of the following information with your request:

  1.  A professional photo in a (.jpeg file) format. The photo should be taken in front of a background that is white or off-white.
  2.  Your UC Path employee ID number. (This is an 8 digit number and is not the Kerberos login.)
  3.  Your full legal name or lived name. (See information about lived names here: https://lgbtqia.ucdavis.edu/updating-lived-name-it).
  4.  If you are a retiree, we require proof of retirement. Retirement confirmation letter (mailed from UCRS when retirement is confirmed) or direct deposit/SurePay pension statement (downloaded from the UCRAYS website).
  5.  Your department name.
  6.  Your department’s campus mailing address. (Even if your department is not receiving regular campus mail deliveries, all mail is still being held at mail division for pick up.)
  7.  Your supervisor’s name.