Background checks ensure the continued safety of our workforce and community members, and the security of University resources.
Once the candidate accepts an offer of employment, a background check is initiated for all critical positions. All positions at UC Davis Health are deemed critical and require a background check.
When a background check contains criminal history or disclosure of employment misconduct, we conduct a confidential and individualized assessment to balance the interests of the individual and the University.
Employment offers are contingent upon:
- Clearing the background check for critical positions
- Clearing the employment misconduct disclosure
- Other pre-employment requirements (e.g., health screening)
Special Considerations
- UC Davis Health Compliance performs exclusion monitoring checks (upon hire and monthly thereafter) for all employees, plus Davis campus employees who provide services to UC Davis Health.
- UC Davis Police Department administers a separate background check process for Police Officers, Public Safety Dispatchers and Aggie Hosts.
Background Check Process
For critical positions, the conditional offer provided to the final candidate is contingent upon successful completion of the background check. In accordance with University policy, the final candidate must clear the background check before starting work.
Most background checks are completed online using Universal Background Screening. A few positions require fingerprinting through the LiveScan system. Background check results are received and reviewed by central Human Resources (HR). After HR reviews the final candidate’s background check results, it notifies the hiring department on whether the individual has cleared the background check.
Over 90% of Universal background checks are completed within 1-2 business days once the final candidate has provided the required information.
Davis Campus
for staff, student staff and volunteers
The hiring department determines if a particular position is critical by completing the Background Check Worksheet.
- For Staff and Student Positions:
- For critical positions, a conditional offer of employment is contingent upon successful completion of the background check. The final candidate receives an email directly from Universal and provides required information and authorizations online allowing the background check to proceed. If the position requires a LiveScan background check (fingerprinting), the employee will be notified.
After central HR receives and reviews the final candidate’s background check results, it notifies the department on whether the individual has cleared the background check. - For Volunteer Positions:
- When policy requires a background check for a volunteer position, the department will email HR to request the background check.
Consult Youth Protection Program guidelines as appropriate for programs and volunteer roles involving youth. - Roles and Responsibilities
- Compensation Services and Talent Acquisition
Ensures recruitment information (e.g., position description, job posting, announcements) for critical positions properly indicates the position is subject to a background check.
Talent Acquisition and Service Channels
TA initiates the background check once the candidate has accepted the offer. Refer to Background Check Selection Guidance. The appropriate Service Channel monitors the background check for completion and requests HR review as needed.
Hiring Department
Determines if a particular position is critical by completing the Background Check Worksheet. Ensures background check is completed before the candidate begins work in a critical position. Retains the completed worksheet in a department file.
Final Candidate
Responds to Universal email or submits to LiveScan fingerprinting to provide requested information to authorize the background check. Engages with HR during the review process, if needed.
UC Davis Health
for staff, student staff, volunteers and externs
All positions at UC Davis Health are deemed critical and are subject to a background check.
- For Staff and Student Positions:
- For all positions, a conditional offer of employment is contingent upon successful completion of the background check. The final candidate receives an email directly from Universal and provides required information and authorizations online allowing the background check to proceed. If the position requires a LiveScan background check (fingerprinting), the employee will be notified.
After central HR receives and reviews the final candidate’s background check results, it notifies the department on whether the individual has cleared the background check. - For Volunteer Positions:
- The volunteer candidate receives a link to contact Universal Background Screening to initiate the background check on their “Onboarding Dashboard” with Volunteer Services.
After the results are received and reviewed, the volunteer will be notified in the Volunteer Services Dashboard regarding next steps needed. - For Externship Positions:
- Externship candidates download the Externship Packet which includes a Background Check Authorization to Release Information Form. The externship candidate submits all completed forms to their placement department. The department then submits the Background Check Authorization to Release Information Form, along with a clearance form, to Volunteer Services to initiate the Universal background check.
After HR receives and reviews the externship candidate’s background check results, the placement department is notified by Volunteer Services on whether the externship candidate has cleared their background check. - Roles and Responsibilities
- Compensation Services and Talent Acquisition
Ensures recruitment information (e.g., position description, job posting, announcements) for critical positions properly indicates the position is subject to a background check.
Talent Acquisition and Health Service Channel
For staff and student hires, TA initiates the background check once the candidate has accepted the offer. Refer to Background Check Selection Guidance. The Health Service Channel monitors the background check for completion and requests HR review as needed.
Volunteer Services
For volunteers and externs, Volunteer Services manages the background check initiation and monitoring process, requesting HR review as needed.
Final Candidate
Responds to Universal email or submits to LiveScan fingerprinting to provide requested information to authorize the background check. Engages with HR during the review process, if needed.
A limited number of positions require fingerprinting through the LiveScan fingerprinting system. These are positions that may be required by law, regulation, or a contract/grant between a third party to have an active LiveScan background check on file for the duration of employment.
- LiveScan Fingerprinting Process
- The final candidate schedules a LiveScan fingerprinting appointment with the UC Davis Police Department (UCDPD) either online at or by calling UCDPD in Davis (530-752-6859) or Sacramento (916-734-3841).
Recruiting or the hiring department provides the final candidate with two forms:
1) Fingerprint Authorization Form (completed by HR), and
2) Authorization to Release Information Form (completed by the candidate)
The final candidate brings these completed forms along with personal identification to the LiveScan appointment. UCDPD provides the candidate with a copy of the form at the conclusion of the appointment.
Background Checks that Reveal Conviction History
A criminal background check reports criminal convictions and pending criminal charges since age 18. The criminal conviction history or employment misconduct disclosures reported in an individual’s background check do not automatically result in a rescinded job offer.
Through a confidential and individualized assessment process, the University determines whether a background check contains any conflicting and/or potentially disqualifying information. This process includes an initial review, candidate engagement (if needed), and final review and determination.
- During initial review, if the University determines that a background check does not contain information to disqualify employment, the candidate is cleared and the hiring process may proceed.
- If the University determines that there is any conflicting and/or potentially disqualifying information, the University sends the candidate a Pre-Adverse Action Notice, providing the candidate with an opportunity to dispute the accuracy of findings or explain mitigating circumstances and/or efforts to rehabilitate. Any candidate submissions are considered during the final review.
- Upon final review and determination, if the University determines that the candidate is disqualified from the position for which they applied, solely or in part because of the criminal history revealed in the criminal background check report, then:
- The candidate is not cleared and is sent an Adverse Action Notice communicating the outcome.
- Human Resources notifies Talent Acquisition and the Service Channel of the candidate's disqualification.
- Talent Acquisition rescinds the conditional offer of employment and discusses options with the hiring department, such as consideration of another qualified candidate in the recruitment.
Background Check FAQs
- Why do I need to submit to a background check, if I have been already offered a position?
- Background checks are required for final candidates who are under consideration for hire/appointment into a critical position, as designated by UC policy and UC Davis local procedure.
For critical positions, a department will provide the final candidate with a conditional offer of employment that is contingent upon successful clearance of a background check.
By conducting background checks, UC Davis and UC Davis Health promote a safe and secure environment. - Why do I need to complete an employment misconduct disclosure? What counts as misconduct?
- Recent legislation requires the final candidate who accepts a conditional offer of employment to disclose any final administrative or judicial decisions issued within the last seven years from the date of submission of an employment application determining that the applicant committed employment misconduct. It permits applicants to disclose if they have filed an appeal with the previous employer, administrative agency, or court, if applicable.
For the purpose of this process, misconduct is defined as any violation of the policies or laws governing conduct at a candidate’s previous place of employment, including, but not limited to, violations of policies or laws prohibiting sexual harassment, sexual assault, or other forms of harassment, discrimination, dishonesty, or unethical conduct as defined by the previous employer. Refer to Employment Misconduct Disclosure for more information. - How is the employment misconduct disclosure completed?
- The employment misconduct disclosure questionnaire is part of the post-offer, pre-employment background check activities. UC Davis uses Universal Background Screening to invite the final candidate to complete a misconduct questionnaire and, if needed, a release of information to seek additional information from prior employers. Refer to Employment Misconduct Disclosure for more information.
- Why do I need to submit to exclusion monitoring checks?
- UC Davis Health employees, and UC Davis Campus employees who provide services to UC Davis Health, are required to undergo an initial exclusion check upon hire (as part of the background check process) with monthly monitoring thereafter. UCDH exclusion monitoring checks employees against several state and federal government exclusion lists. UC Davis Health cannot receive payment from Federal health care programs for any items or services furnished, ordered, or prescribed by any individual on these lists. This includes those that provide health benefits funded directly or indirectly by the United States (other than the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan). Potential basis for exclusion can include, but is not limited to, a conviction for Medicare or Medicaid fraud.
- What kind of background checks are conducted?
- UC Davis and UC Davis Health conduct background checks that include a criminal background check and an employment misconduct disclosure.
Criminal background check: Depending upon the position requirements, final candidates may be asked to submit to one of two background check methods. LiveScan relies on fingerprinting for identity verification. Criminal records are searched by the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Universal Background Screening uses social security number, date of birth, and address history for identity verification. This information (provided online by the final candidate) allows a search of county, state and federal criminal records.
Employment misconduct disclosure: All final candidates, regardless of position, are required to complete an employment misconduct disclosure form in Universal. Final candidates will be required to complete a disclosure form providing details of any misconduct in the past seven (7) years, and may also be required to sign a release form that authorizes the release of information by the candidate’s previous employers. Refer to Employment Misconduct Disclosure for more information. - How do I schedule a LiveScan appointment for fingerprinting, if applicable?
- Remember that very few positions require a LiveScan background check.
Davis Campus positions: The recruiter will recommend that you schedule an appointment online at Alternatively, you can call UC Davis Campus Police in Davis at (530) 752-6859, or UC Davis Campus Police in Sacramento at (916) 734-3841.
UC Davis Health positions:
The recruiter will provide you with a Background Check Authorization to Release Information Form, and recommends that you schedule an appointment online at Alternatively, you can call UC Davis Campus Police in Davis at (530) 752-6859, or UC Davis Campus Police in Sacramento at (916) 734-3841. - Do I need to schedule a background check with Universal, if applicable?
- No, the candidate receives an email directly from Universal requesting information to initiate the criminal background check. No fingerprinting appointment is needed.
For Volunteer Positions at UC Davis Health:
No, the volunteer receives a link to contact Universal to initiate the background check on their “Onboarding Dashboard” administered by Volunteer Services.
For Externship Positions at UC Davis Health:
No, the extern downloads the Externship Packet, which includes a Background Check Authorization to Release Information Form to complete and submit to your placement department as a part of the full packet. Once the placement department has approved the externship packet, the department submits the completed Background Check Authorization to Release Information Form, and an externship clearance form, to Volunteer Services for initiation of the Universal background check. - How long does it take for a background check to be completed?
- LiveScan results typically arrive in one to two weeks, sometimes longer. Please see the California Department of Justice website for more information.
Universal results typically arrive in a few business days. Occasionally there may be a delay in the county court search process associated with a candidate's past address. Our onboarding staff monitors report completion and communicates with the candidate and department regarding any delays as appropriate.
Background checks containing potentially disqualifying information may require additional processing time to ensure a thorough and complete individualized assessment. - What should I do if I have a misdemeanor and/or felony convictions and/or pending criminal charges?
- If asked to disclose this information on an authorization form, you are expected to disclose it. A misrepresentation or lack of disclosure alone can be cause for disqualification. As addressed below and on the authorization forms, certain convictions do not and should not be disclosed.
- What convictions am I required to disclose?
- Convictions since your 18th birthday that must be disclosed include:
> Felony conviction by any court,
> Felony conviction reduced to a Misdemeanor by any court,
> Misdemeanor conviction by any court, or
> Any pending criminal charges. - What convictions do I NOT have to disclose?
- Convictions that do not need to be disclosed include:
> Misdemeanor while under the age of 18 may be omitted if the record was sealed under California Penal Code 1203.45,
> Convictions that have been judicially dismissed or ordered sealed as described under California Labor Code Section 432.7(a)(1),
> Minor traffic violations where the fine imposed was $400 or less,
> Any offense that was finally settled in Juvenile Court or referred to the youth authority, or
> Any conviction specified in California Health and Safety Code Section 11361.5 which pertains to marijuana offenses. - Will my job offer be automatically withdrawn if my background check shows convictions, pending criminal charges, or disclosure of employment misconduct?
- No, the University will perform an initial assessment to determine whether the background check contains any conflicting and/or potentially disqualifying information.
If the University determines that a background check does not contain information that would disqualify the final candidate from employment, the final candidate is cleared and the hiring process may proceed.
If the University determines that there is potentially disqualifying information the University will send the final candidate a Pre-Adverse Action Notice. Refer to the Pre-Adverse Action Notice Process section above for detailed information.
A similar process is followed for individuals seeking to be volunteers, externs or similar roles. - What will the individualized assessment take into consideration?
- The individualized assessment will take into account the following:
> Whether the law prohibits the individual from holding a position based on the nature of the conviction and/or misconduct;
> The nature and gravity of the offense;
> The length of time that has passed since the offense occurred and/or the completion of the sentence;
> The nature of the position applied for and the relevancy of the conviction to the position;
> Evidence of rehabilitation and/or mitigation;
> Whether the candidate is bonded under a federal, state, or local bonding program;
> Any explanation provided by the final candidate. - How can I provide evidence of mitigation or rehabilitation?
- Evidence of mitigation and/or rehabilitation can be shown by, but not limited to any of the following ways:
> Evidence showing that at least one year has passed since release from any correctional institution without subsequent conviction of a crime;
> Evidence that shows compliance with terms and conditions of probation/parole;
> Certificates of completion of sentencing requirements;
> Letters of reference including but not limited to: letters from current/previous employers, letters from volunteer organizations, and letters from other members of the community. - What happens after the individualized assessment?
- If after an individualized assessment the University determines that the final candidate is not disqualified for the position to which they applied, then the final candidate is cleared and the hiring process may proceed.
If after an individualized assessment the University determines that the final candidate is disqualified for the position for which they applied, solely or in part because of the their criminal history found in their criminal background check report, then the final candidate is not cleared and is sent an Adverse Action Notice. This notice informs a final candidate of the University’s decision to deny the final candidate’s employment or placement solely or in part because of their criminal history and/or employment misconduct as reflected in their background check report. - I am currently a Davis campus/UC Davis Health employee, and previously completed a background check. Do I need to complete another one?
- For Davis Campus, if you completed a LiveScan criminal background check at the University and have remained continuously employed, you most likely will not need to complete another criminal background check. If you completed a Universal criminal background check upon initial hire, and you transfer to a new critical position, you will need to complete an additional screening for the new position.
For UC Davis Health, if you previously completed a Universal criminal background check, you will need to complete another Universal criminal background check when applying for another job that is designated as critical (all positions at UC Davis Health are deemed critical). If you previously completed a LiveScan criminal background check, you will need to complete a new Universal criminal background check when applying for another job designated as critical. - Will subsequent arrests and convictions be disclosed to the University?
- If a final candidate completes a LiveScan criminal background check, the University will receive Subsequent Arrest and Disposition Notifications from the California Department of Justice for the duration of employment.
- What happens to a current UC Davis employee who does not clear their background check
- The Background Check and Policy Administrator in Human Resources performs an individualized assessment about how the information relates to the employee’s duties of their current position or position they have been offered. If the individualized assessment determines that the criminal conviction history may disqualify the employee, the employee is notified in writing and provided an opportunity to respond and provide information about the situation.
Any response from the employee is incorporated into the final assessment and determination on whether the employee is or is not cleared for the position.
Their department is notified by Human Resources. The department consults with their Employee Relations Consultant. An employee who does not clear their background check will not necessarily result in loss of employment due to the criminal history in their background check. For example, an employee who is a finalist for a promotion or different position that was designated as a critical position may have to remain in their current position, which is not a critical position.