Expanding Executive Awareness Through Coaching

The positive impact of individual executive leadership coaching on senior leaders is well documented.

Our certified, experienced coaches partner with leaders to help them expand the capabilities and behaviors needed for success in a new level of leadership, including emotional, social and strategic intelligence as well as a systems thinking perspective. As a result, senior leaders and leaders in transition to senior leadership positions develop a solid foundation for organizational effectiveness as they also apply their skills to building coaching cultures in their units.  

Our Coaches

Learning and Organizational Development (L&OD) employs experienced coaches who acknowledge the intricacies of higher education and academic medical centers, as well as  the distinctiveness of UC Davis. Our coaches follow specific evidence-based coaching processes and receive supervision to ensure their ongoing mastery development.

Each of our coaches brings considerable breadth and depth of experience to their focus on senior leadership development . Each coach:

  • Is certified by the International Coach Federation
  • Has leadership experience
  • Has experience coaching senior leaders

Coaching Services

Executive Leadership Coaching:

We coach senior academic, clinical and administrative  leaders and leaders in transition to senior leadership positions to help them develop the capabilities and agility needed to thrive with the new demands of senior leadership positions in the midst of uncertainty.

Our coaches partner with senior leaders in 6, 12 and 18 month engagements that include developing a leadership vision, baseline assessment of strengths and opportunities for development, and behavioral, measurable goals that support their vision. Clients who have completed coaching engagements with L&OD, report learning that includes:

  • Recognition that, as academic and clinical leaders move into administrative leadership roles, they need a new set of leadership skills and behaviors to influence people and organizations
  • Understanding that behaviors that supported their success in more junior positions don’t  necessarily work in their favor in senior leadership positions. And, the identification of new behaviors that serve them today
  • Recognizing the importance of a diverse workforce in maximizing creativity and productivity; and now to maintain healthy conflict management practices in a diverse environment 
  • Effective decision-making practices
  • How to communicate messages more effectively
  • Expanding self-awareness and awareness of others' reactions
  • The benefits of adopting a systems thinking perspective
  • What empathy is and why it is important to senior leadership
  • Effective ways to influence up, down and sideways
  • Creating a coaching culture within their organization has supported effective, direct and respectful communication, more focused employee professional development, and team cohesion that has ultimately led to greater productivity and effectiveness.

Physician and Physician Leader Coaching:

Recognizing the unique challenges that physicians in academic medical centers face in a constantly evolving health care environment, coaches experienced in coaching physicians and physician leaders  partner with clients \to strengthen leadership capacities and to develop the  agility to thrive in an age of burnout.

We offer 6, 12 and 18 month coaching programs for physicians and physician leaders.

Physician and physician leader clients who have received coaching from OE report the following outcomes:

  • Mastery at instituting and championing change
  • Developing clear boundaries that  support balance and prevent burnout
  • Greater ability to effectively meet the demands of senior positions
  • Professional development that creates opportunities aligned with their values and goals.
  • Ability to influence others effectively
  • Effective communication practices

Systemic Leadership Team Coaching 

Leadership teams have significant impact on operational team performance. For that reason, Learning and Organizational Development (L&OD) coaches experienced in evidence-based, systemic leadership team coaching  partner with leadership teams to help them improve their collective performance, how they work together and how they develop their collective leadership to engage with key stakeholders (Hawkins, 2017). Coaches help leadership teams develop a cohesive  approach to leadership through:

  • Articulating purpose and identity
  • Clarifying what the team wants to achieve and why
  • Understanding the team’s  critical processes, including, decision-making, communication & problem solving
  • Developing  and maintaining resilience
  • Monitoring team progress
  • Developing coaching cultures by becoming role models for other teams in the organization.

Leadership team coaching is a multi-phase process that differs significantly from team development, which L&OD consultants also facilitate. See Organizational Effectiveness.

Continuing  Education for UC Davis Coaches and the UC Davis Community

UC Davis Coaching Community of Practice: 

Coaching is defined by the International Coach Federation (ICF) as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.  Members of this community of practice share and honor this definition of coaching.

The community is open to UC Davis staff and/or retired staff who have completed (or are enrolled in) a formal coaching training program. The group will meet every other month and is dedicated to continuing education for our coaching community, as well as expanding awareness of coaching throughout the UC Davis community. Our members create opportunities for internal exchange of coaching services for coaches needing clients for certification, as well as for individuals seeking a coach.

Contact Amy Shuman, PCC, at amyshuman@ucdavis.edu for additional information.

Coaching Day: 

Open to all faculty and staff of UC Davis, our Annual Coaching Day  is dedicated to expanding education and awareness of the value of coaching through keynotes, workshops and experiential learning.  To get on the invitation list for our next coaching day, please email odconnect@ucdavis.edu.

Online Learning:

We provide a number of introductory programs that interested leaders and coaches can access in Resources.