Resume Formats

There are many resume formats, however the two most commonly used are:


A Chronological resume lists and describes your work history in reverse chronological order with your most recent position first. Most employers prefer this resume style because it is straightforward and clearly outlines your background to the reader.

This type of resume is best when:

  • You are seeking a position in the same field that is either a lateral move or the typical next move along the career path for that occupation
  • The duties and accomplishments in your most recent position relate closely to the requirements and qualifications for the job you are applying to 
  • Your career path has shown steady progress and increasing responsibility
  • Your work history has no or only short (under a year) gaps


  • Calls attention to employment gaps
  • Skills may be difficult to spot if they are buried in position descriptions

Chronological Resume Template (PDF)
Chronological Resume Template (Word)

Sample Chronological Resume 1 (PDF)
Sample Chronological Resume 2 (PDF)
Sample Chronological Resume 3 (PDF)

Functional Resume

A Functional resume focuses on areas of skill or expertise (e.g., management, public relations, computer programming, financial planning, communication) rather than organizing your duties and accomplishments chronologically under each position you've held. To develop a Functional resume, start by choosing three to four skill areas that are relevant to the types of jobs you will be applying. List those as headings then include specific examples of when you used each skill.  An employment history section that includes job title, employer and dates of employment follows the skills area as another aspect of the resume. 

This type of resume may work best when:

  • You are changing careers and want to focus on your transferable skills rather than job specific skills
  • You have been employed by the same organization and in the same role for a long time
  • Your work history contains large gaps (over a year) in employment
  • You want to highlight skills acquired through internships or volunteer work
  • The skills and experience you want the employer to notice first are from earlier in your career


  • Employers may be most interested in your most current employment and current skills
  • Employers are accustomed to viewing chronological resumes so functional resumes can receive less attention
  • May be more difficult to write because organizing skills under functional areas can be challenging

Functional Resume Template (PDF)
Functional Resume Template (Word)
Sample Functional Resume 1 (PDF)