Cover Letters

Your cover letter explains who you are, what your qualifications are and why an employer should want to spend valuable time meeting you in person.

The purpose of the cover letter, sometimes referred to as a Letter of Interest, is to:

  • Make a strong case for the match between you and the position for which you are applying.
  • Show how you are unique in your ability to add value to the organization.
  • Focus on your qualifications for the position.
  • Provide an example of your writing abilities.
  • Convey interest in the position and an eagerness to be considered.

Cover letters should be tailored specifically for the position to which you are applying. At some organizations they are indicated as being "Optional," take it upon yourself to make it mandatory. Bear in mind that the letters you write not only convey your interest and qualifications, but also give the employer an opportunity to evaluate your attentiveness to detail, spelling, grammar and the overall quality of your written communication.