About the Health Care Facilitator Program

The Health Care Facilitator Program is here to help you understand and obtain the full benefits and services available from your UC-sponsored medical, dental and vision plans.

What does the HCF Program do?

The program enables members by providing:

  • Information to help you understand your UC health plan coverage and patient rights.
  • Education on the use of plan benefits and how they coordinate with Medicare benefits.

The HCF Program assists members by:

  • Intervening to resolve problems of coverage, access and administrative processes.
  • Referring problems concerning contract interpretation and coverage disputes to the Office of the President.

Whom does the HCF Program Serve?

The Health Care Facilitator Program serves active and retired University of California, Davis, UC Davis Health System, and Agriculture & Natural Resources faculty and staff and their eligible dependents and survivors.

The two-person UC Davis HCF Program serves:

  • More than 23,290 active employees and their covered dependents
  • More than 10,400 retirees and their covered dependents

When should you call the Program?

If you (or a covered family member) are about to become newly eligible for Medicare, call the Health Care Facilitator Program for assistance coordinating Medicare with your UC health plan, ideally three months prior to the month that you turn 65. If you need help resolving an issue with your health plan coverage, call the HCF Program for individual guidance, intervention, and help with problem resolution.

For simple problems and questions, you may do the following:

  1. Contact your doctor's or dentist's office. Your most important relationship is the one you have with your doctor or other health professionals.
  2. If you are in an HMO, contact your medical group. Most medical groups have patient assistance departments that can help you find a doctor, work out billing problems or obtain referrals. Medical groups near UC Davis include:
  3. Call your health plan. A customer service representative at your health plan can explain the plan's policies and procedures. Health contact information is listed on your health plan ID card and on UCnet.

Many problems can be resolved by taking these steps or by calling your Health Care Facilitator Program.

HCF Program Revisited

The lead article in the Council of UC Emeriti Associations April 2014 newsletter is an excellent primer on the HCF Program: its history and role, its relationship with Benefits offices and UCOP, as well as its funding and future.

Click here for the April 2014 CUCEA newsletter